Tag Archives: ati-atihan

Festivals that Pay Respect to Patron Saints in the Philippines

The Philippines is a country full of festivals and events set to give patronage to different heroes and saints. Most of the festivals that are done are religious that t nuts are sometimes needed to make sure that the figures made out of wood will not fall from their cases. The festivals are too many to list down but here are some of the popular festivals that are celebrated to honor saints:


  • Ati Atihan Festival is celebrated in Kalibo, Aklan. This is for the feast of Sto. Nino which is actually the child Jesus. Another celebration related to this is the Sinulog festival which is done in Cebu.
  • Obando Fertility Rites. This is usually participated in by couple who want to have children. This is also a festival that pays homage to Sta. Clara.
  • Parada ng Lechon is celebrated for St. John de Baptist. As the name implies, roasted pigs dressed in colorful costumes are paraded around town.

There are a lot more that are not listed here that tourists and even people from the Philippines will truly enjoy.

Image credit: wikimedia.org