Packing in Transit

Packing your things for travel requires a bit of handy work and knack at creativity to make sure you don’t end up in disarray en route to your dream destination, or worse discovering when you arrived that you have not packed some of the essentials you needed while traveling. To be a pack-savvy junkie, you might want to consider the following tips:

· Pack light and bring only what is necessary, so you might want to skip that paperback, you won’t need it anyway when traveling to a new place

· Pack your stuff in order so you’d know where to find things when needed. Wrap a set of clothings, a pair of shorts, a shirt or a blouse together with your underthings, in individual baggies, for easy retrieval. You can easily place your soiled stuff in those baggies after use, too.

· Be organized, so make sure you make a list of all the things you need to pack and bring so you won’t end up forgetting something.

· Make you’re your valuables are in a safe container. You can also bring some cable ties so the cables for your cameras and phones are orderly even in transit.

Keep these tips in mind and packing for a trip will be easy-breezy!

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